We had Sandy's memorial service yesterday and it was perfect! I was so happy with every aspect of the service. Pastor McDonald did such a wonderful job of portraying Sandy's life and the music and slide show were so moving. Thank you to everyone that attended. Thank you to the great people of Calvary Assembly of God for providing the family with so much wonderful food, both before and after the service.
Nothing is ever going to be the same without Sandy here. I already miss her so much! Somehow I managed to get through the viewing on Friday night and the memorial service yesterday without her being there to do all of the talking. But I do believe that she was right there with me, giving me the words to say. I have hugged more people in the past two days than I think I had hugged in my entire life prior to that! Sandy was always a hugger, and I know that she would have been hugging everyone in sight too!
I am now beginning to think about what normal is going to be from this point forward in my life. I know that I will return to the old routine of going to work, coming home, doing yard work and housework...but it just won't ever be the same without Sandy. She and I worked in the same building - just down the hall from each other - for the past couple of years. I could just walk down the hall to her office, or she might just pop in the door of my office throughout the day. Now the building just seems emptier, lonelier, and sadder than it ever has. I remember times that I would hear her talking and laughing from her office and I'd just smile. I won't hear that anymore. Of course, it goes without saying that our home will never be the same. There will forever be an emptiness there that cannot be filled. Have I mentioned how much I miss her?
But I know that Sandy would not want anyone that she cared about to hurt, so I will press on. I will keep her memory alive for as long as I possibly can and I will love her for the rest of my life.
I owe so many Thank You's to so many people for so much benevolence! I don't even know where to begin. You all know what you have done...please accept my undying gratitude for all of it. I have said repeatedly that I can't tell you how much it means to me, and that is the truth. I am in awe of the goodness of people! From the very bottom of my heart, Thank You!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
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